Stained Glass

In these one-day classes, students use a soldering iron and copper foil tape to assemble stained-glass pieces. The prices are precut before class. Ages 16 to adult—all experience levels are welcome.

We offer two classes. In the first, make a stained-glass sun-catcher. In the second, make a larger piece.

If a class is full call us and we will add you to the waiting list—434-315-5715.

Studio Policy

  1. Payment is due when registering for a class.
  2. 50% cancelation fee applies with less than 4 days notice. The remaining fee will be issued as store credit if notified within 24 hours.
  3. If you have a gift certificate please email or call 434-390-8138 to register for class.

Stained Glass Sun-catcher

Make a stained glass sun-catcher, with  a wide variety of design choices
Cost: $75, includes materials
Sat, Apr 12, 1-3:30 pm
Sat, May 24, 1-3:30 pm
Sat, June 21, 1-3:30 pm

Details Price Qty
Stained Glass Sun-Catcher -Sat, Apr 12show details + $75.00 USD  

Details Price Qty
Stained Glass Sun-Catcher -Sat, May 24show details + $75.00 USD  

Details Price Qty
Stained Glass Sun-Catcher -Sat, June 21show details + $75.00 USD  

Stained Glass Larger Piece

Design choices — 6”x 8” — choice of birds or iris flower or a face on a stand
Cost: $90, includes materials
Check back for future classes